Some examples of businesses I have worked with
Business Coaching Helps Electrical Contractor
- Distribution opportunity
- No business plan
- No marketing strategy
- Needed funding
Business Mentoring Helps Mortgage Broker
- All new business won by owner
- Chaotic administration
- No systems
- Low business valuation
Business Advice Helps Machinery Importer
- Rapid growth
- No processes or structure
- Systems not delivering
- Stock out of control
Business Advice Helps Website Agency
- Market collapsing
- Undifferentiated offering
- No strategy
- No marketing plan
Business Consultancy Helps IT Services Business
- Over-reliance on owner
- No structure
- Blurred responsibilities
- Failing customer service
Business Mentoring Helps IoT Startup
- Huge market potential
- Great technology
- No strategy
- No business plan
- No marketing expertise
Business Mentoring Helps Technology Reseller
- Strong growth
- Staff issues
- Few processes or controls in place
- Sales bottleneck
Business Coaching Helps Design and Build Company
- Owner unable to delegate
- Failed senior hire
- Major growth opportunity
- No structure
Business Consultancy Helps Joinery Business
- Quality problems
- Projects delivering late
- High staff turnover
- Poor financial controls